Gaining Financial Freedom, Building Financial Empowerment

Building Native Communities

Our Financial Wellness Series covering topics from a curriculum developed by Native experts, Building Native Communities. In our Financial Sessions, you can expect realistic advice that could better position and gain control of your finances. Our expert, indigenous-led team has got your back and will be there along the way to help you succeed in building the financial future you dream of.

Credit Enhancement + Consumer Loans

Ranging from $250 to $20,000, our loans are tailored to helping you reach your financial goals; from settling outstanding accounts, paying lower rates, reducing debt, care repairs, and more. The loans are very accessible and we support you every step of the way. From getting loan ready, applying for a loan, and getting up and running after closing on a loan, we’re honored to help you invest in your financial future.

Ready to Get Started?


Complete Intake

To better serve your needs and help you achieve your financial goals, we encourage all participants to complete our advising intake form below. This will allow us to gather your contact information and connect with you before the workshop or coaching session you plan to attend.

By completing the form, our financial coach will be able to meet with you one-on-one, learn more about your unique situation, and help create a personalized financial plan that’s tailored specifically for you.


Join Our Next Workshop

Chi Miigwech for registering for our upcoming workshops!

After completing the intake form, sign up for an upcoming free workshop to jumpstart your journey to financial freedom.

Aho. Chi Miigwech. Pidamaya. Pilamaya.

We look forward to supporting you on your financial journey!